Fitness Dessert: Rice pudding with Fruits and Cinnamon

Fitness Dessert: Rice pudding with Fruits and Cinnamon

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Serving
Calories 278 kcal
Protein 24.2g
Carbohydrate 39.1g
Fat 2.2g
Dietary Fiber 3.1g

Calories per Gram:

Fat 9 • Carbohydrate 4 • Protein 4



Boil basmati rice in 200ml of salted water (ratio 2:1) for about 12 minutes (until the water is gone). Heat low-fat milk in a pot. After a few minutes add boiled basmati rice and Vanilla Whey Protein. Boil it for about 10 minutes under continuous stirring. Depending on your preference add some sweetener. Put the berries into a bowl, add one tablespoon of water and mix it. Dredge the rice pudding with cinnamon and add the berries. This healthy and delicious fitness recipe serves you 278 calories and 24.2g of protein. If you need your personalized Meal Plan, you can get it here. Enjoy and stay fit!

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