Dan Bentano Diet and Calorie Intake


Name: Dan Bentano
Age: 22 years
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 86kg (189,5lbs)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dan-Bentano-Fitness/143421522531242?ref=hl&ref_type=bookmark
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BENTANO22


Who are you and what are you doing?

Hello, my Name is Dan Bentano from Germany! My Name was made together with Phil Hollister from Athletic-Star! We shoot together in Berlin last Year and this was my first fitness model Shoot, that i´ve enjoyed very much! I loved this Name instantly so i decide to take this one for the fitness model industry!
I´m 22 y/o and im operate since 4 years Natural Bodybuilding! I´m working in a hospital as a CT and Patient Assistant! I love it to give people a big motivation to change their life and get their own goals! Also i love to do Fitness-Shootings, soon in Denver with Ryan Jackman and Luis Rafael in Miami.

How does your diet look?

My diet looks at the first point very simple, because i really dont calcuate my calories as much others. Eat Clean and feel good! I have 5-6 Meals every Day, that serve all my carbs and protein for my whole Day! Of course i eat some more for being massive and each less to be shredded for photo-Shootings! Many people think you only need to cover your protein store, there is a way too have a balance between carbs and protein! For loosing fat helping me only Cardio – max 10-15 minutes a day.


What is your daily calorie and macro´s intake? (On- and Off-Season)

My Daily Calorie Intake is

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